It has already been 2 weeks since I started JOCV (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer) training in Komagane. This city lies in a valley of the central Alps. It's really beautiful although there is really nothing else but nature.

one of the mountains in the central Alps

the view from my room on 6th floor with icicles hanging from the roof (the other side of Alps from the previous photo)
frozen chains
Recently the temperature high hovers around 0 degree or colder. It's very cold for me but inside of the room is so comfy ! Not like my old room in Osaka...
Daily life at the training center (mon-sat) :
6:15 Wake up
6:30 Physical exercise (badminton or jogging for me)
7:00 Morning general meeting
7:20 Breakfast
8:45 Language class (of course it's french for me)
11:40 Lunch
13:00 Language class / Lecture about international cooperation or development
17:00 Training finished for the day
17h45 Dinner
23h-24h Bed
After diner, we are free to do anything but often we have some kind of group meeting (country, life group, profession etc...) well, actually what we should do is review the day's language class, which I don't really do (bad student ! ):p
Sunday is the only day off but as there is really nothing to do in this city, I usually stay at the center and just relax or play some sports with friends. Then in the evening of Saturday or Sunday, I go out for dinner with them.
There are 194 candidates of JOCV and senior volunteer : age 21 - 70 living together. I have never experienced life like this but it's been great. Everyone that I've met is so cool and I can learn all sorts of different things from each of them. I've been having tons of fun !
I will try to update this blog as often as possible so check it out if you have time ! :)

The only kinda big supermarket in Komagane with my life group friends : "Bell shine" (the sign is so mismatched with the nice building design)