In Burkina, we are in the middle of rainy season! although in French, this season means also “hivernation” (hivernage)
The temperature is about 28-33℃. It is more comfortable than last couple of months.
However it is also the “mosquito” season. We have to be very careful with malaria.
People are on vacation. Many French people who work in Burkina go back to France.
But it is the busiest time for people who work in environment domain.
It is the only once a year (2-3 months) when we get an abundance of free water (rain) for planting trees.
So I took also this occasion.
This is not just planting trees but plantation with compost that I have been making at home!
I asked 2 members of YANTA for the plantation at their home because I can’t test my compost in my yard totally concreted.
Digging holes with instructions of my boss, forester
Brief explanation of compost production
About 1 week after mixing soil and compost, plantation !
By request of the women, we planted trees which fruit.
Guava tree

Mango tree
Besides, to show a good effect of new green space at home, which is nice, we planted lawn.

In fact, everyone can plant trees but what is important is after plantation. You see on photos, there is no wall to separate streets and home yard. There are also many enemies against young trees (chickens, cows, goats, kids etc)
I asked the women to protect the trees well with blocks, iron fence or branches with thorns
I hope in the future these trees give lots of fruits for children of the families!