Koro : village located about 10km from Bobo.
In the old days, Bobo and Dioula people built their village on a hill to protect themselves from enemies despite of inconvenience of daily goods’ transport (food, water, etc). Nowadays, there are construction sites nearby to get the material for concretewith dynamites.

From the top of the hill
Young/Adult villagers live next to their farms because they are usually 15km+ far from Koro or work in towns as trader.
They come back to the village only for the moments of traditional ceremonies like Masque or after harvest.
Many of the people are animists. But now they also believe in Islam or Christianity at the same time.

(although I didn’t hear exactly the explanation…) this is an animism altar. In this village, if twins are born, people believe that it is foreboding (ill-fated) or misfortune. So religious leader(s) sacrifice a rooster on the altar and put its blood on the pots. Furthermore, I am not sure but the one of the twin babies or both can be sacrificed…
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