SIAO (Salon International de l'Artisanat de Ouagadougou)
in the capital, Ouagadougou.
This craft fair takes place every 2 years so this will be the first and last chance for me to go there during my stay in Burkina as JOCV.
So I'm very looking forward to it
By the way, today's blog title is "info for certain" just because this blog info can be more useful for my friends who live in Japan... Sorry for my lovely friends abroad !!!
For those in Japan who are interested in african arts and would love to be at the fair but can't,
Check out the NHK TV programme on November 2, at 6 in the evening in Japan and 9 in the morning in Burkina, called "International Network".
You can watch onlive the SIAO event on TV !
Besides, in this programme, there will be reportage about GAFREH that I talked about before in this blog because this reportage put forcus on environmental issues.
So that you can better understand the work of GAFREH in this programme with some interviews and images.
Interview scene
NHK journalist, Mr. NIARD who has lived in Japan more than 10 years, speaks perfectly japanese and cameraman Mr.Pierre
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