One week after, we had the second meeting and we shared each woman's compost condition and some difficulties if there were.
I had thought that it would be diffficult or painful for them to separate organic waste, dead leaves which are good for compost and plastic, paper etc which shouldn't be in the compost, to put the waste in the bag and to close the bag each time.
However, all participants told me that it wasn't hard, no problem.
I was very surprised and at the same time, happy to hear that.
Then I started visiting at each woman's house to observe the compost condition by myself and their private life (condition).
Here, I regtretted one thing...
Because these women live in different district in Bobo which has about 800,000 population!
Therefore, I had to go all around the city by bike... (Now at night and early morning, it is cool while during the day, the temperature is still 30-36...)
I should have chosen women in the same district...
But they came to a meeting place, walking for 30-40min to take me to their house, which is very kind.
Besides, that, there were some who mixed a bit of plastic waste, too much weed or got some insects in the bag but in general the compost was in good condition !
I was again surprised !

In fact, some women's compost was fermented better than mine at home :o !
Others put the bag in a place with roof to protect it and even put a cover on it as well.
I felt very lucky to work with these women at this moment :)
After another one week, I did the second visit.
At the 1st visit, there wasn't much waste yet and the compost base soil tended to be dry for all women's case so I suggested to add some water sometime.
i don't know if the water or watery wastes helped but all women's compost condition was improved !
The soil was very hot which means microorganisms are working hard to decompose wastes.
A woman cut wastes in small pieces to let them decompose quicker.
Another said, looking at organic wastes thrown on the street,
"I would take this waste at home and put in the compost""I would like to introduce compost to my neighbors"
One another started preparing a new compost base (corn bran, dead leaves and soil) by herself.
Or, a woman's husband told me that
"We used to throw all wastes in the street but now we can use most of them for compost"
Honestly at the beginning, I wasn't sure how it would work, if women will be interested in doing this because this workshop wasn't based on their demand but I decided to do by myself and asked them to participate in it.
I was very anxious about the result.
But now I have a bit of confidence.
Anyway I enjoy very much the activity by myself !
Although I don't know the effect of this homemade compost...
I am thinking to ask women to do some gardening with veggies or flowers to see the effects then use the result to interest more people to compost :)
There are some other members of YANTA who got interested in compost and asked me to teach it so the next compost workshop might take place soon !?
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