

Rainy season is almost done.

These days, I haven't been working so much...

But I go around in the town.

I went to see one of my women the other day.

As soon as I arrived, she said

"Come and see my pernuts that I made with our compost !"


This is a lot.

Last year she didn't grow peanuts so it was not possible to compare the quality or quantity of harvest.

But she seemed very happy and confident which relieved me.

She can and will continue to make compost by herself.

There are only 5 months left for me under JICA contract.

This was the moment when I realized that there was something which will last (be sustainable) after my reparture even if it is only one thing or one person.

Well, this is Africa !

Yes, the peanuts were pretty lots but of course this is not enough for her whole family forever.

But they share with others, well with me.

"You have lots of kids. Keep them for them later!"

In vain...

Absolute refusal can be very impolite so finally I appreciated her act and got the quantity of 2 tomato cans of her peanuts.

I dried them up under the sun for a day and grilled them.

They must be as same as other peanuts.

But there was our effort (work) and love in it, the taste was different.

It was better than others !

I can't wait to see other women's harvest result !

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