
Summer arrival

10 days ago, the rainy season ended.

And suddenly the real summer arrived without leaving us a bit of preparation period...

Since then, it has been crazy hot like 35 degrees or more with of course humidity...

This reminds me of the heat in Burkina.

It seemed like they waited this moment...

On the wall of my dog's house, I saw a very rare situation.

One of signs or symbols or Japanese summer is...

Although to be honest, I do not like the noise so much because it accumulates the heat in my head !

"Cicada" molting

He just became adult.

He is so white or even pale.

They start molting after sunset.

Because during the night, they prepare their wings to fly and leave before their predators wake up in the morning.

The short life of an adult cicada is quite well-known :1 week to a month.

But how long do they live as nymphs?

3-17 years in underground !!!


I should apologize for saying to them "noisy"...

Also I feel lucky to be a person, especially Japanese who stays 9-10months in mum's stomach, takes 18-20 years to become adult and live in average for 80 years...

I should appreciate such seasonal change.

Some lives are born and and die so quickly...

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